Smell: Has a strong scent which seems to be alcoholic with a coffee and chocolaty scent.
Taste: At 9% this beer is very enjoyable, from the flavor even with the smell as it was you would never guess this beer was 9%. The chocolaty malts and coffee malts work together very well and make this beer very good. The alcohol is well hidden and hardly noticably, less than in any beer I have ever had at 9%. This is an Imperial Stout I would absolutely recommend trying if you like Imperial Stouts.
This beer deserves an empty glass most definitely. From the well masked high alcohol content to the flavor this beer is pretty much unbeliveable. The flavor is very well rounded and nothing at all is overpowering. If you like an imperial stout with a nice coffee and chocolate malt you will absolutely enjoy this one. While enjoying this beer you may find yourself asking as I did how could this possibly be 9%.
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