Smell: Deep, dark roasted malts, with a note of coffee.
Taste: Exquisite. Bet you thought you'd never see that word describe a beer. The taste was intensely roasted and malty. The interesting thing, though, is that you get a bit of a smoked flavor, which is a first that I've had in a porter. Finishing off this taste is a hint of chocolate. It's dark, complex, and just incredibly tasty.

Left Hand has made another knockout beer in my opinion. The smoked nature of this beer makes this one of the more interesting porters I've tried, and that's a good thing, because after a while it's hard to make your beer stand out. At a moderately alcoholic 7.8%, you couldn't taste the alcohol in the beer at all. The flavor is just incredibly rich, and overall the beer just supremely enjoyable. I'd give this beer an empty glass award, and would recommend this beer any time anyone asks for a good porter.
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