Smell: Bitter and earthy, like roots. A hint of sweetness to it.
Taste: Carbonated, and sweet. I think the sweetness is a combination of sarsaparilla and caramel. It had a very nice bitterness to it that did appear to give it that bite that Barq's claimed. This beer was medium bodied and honestly, pretty damn good.

I have to say, this is probably the best beer I've ever had out of a can. It was a medium bodied and fairly carbonated beer that had a crisp and earthy smell to it, followed by a pretty great taste. It didn't leave much in the way of head or lacing, and didn't look very impressive in a glass, but you can't judge a book by its cover. Highly recommend, and will give this an empty glass award.
--Happy April Fool's Day, the Beeruken Team
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