Smell: Has a slight spice note to it, coupled with a lightly sweet pumpkin scent and little malts. Overall, pretty weak on the smell.
Taste: The initial taste is that of sweet pumpkin, followed by some fall spices and sweet malts. It's pretty good, but honestly it feels a bit thin, and doesn't really vary from the smell that much, or attempt to do anything different.

Overall, I'm kind of on the fence with Pumpkinhead. On the one hand, I don't mind a lighter, easy to drink beer. On the other, I do love flavor, and this unfortunately lacks a bit. It has the pumpkin taste you expected, but doesn't really deliver enough of it. However, I could drink this beer all day and do enjoy it. For the sake of this review, I'm going to award this beer a half full glass, but don't be scared by that. Definitely give it a try. It's a decent tasting, easy to drink fall beer.
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