Smell: hoppy and slight caramel malt scent
Taste: This beer was good but it was nothing I would really go out of my way to try. It had a nice hop and malt flavor, not sweet a more bitter malty taste. The flavors worked together well but again its not something that really stood out to me as impressive, especially at a place with the selection WoB has. If I went somewhere and this was a feature beer or beer of the month I would absolutely order it but its not a beer I would keep in the top 50 of mine to keep an eye out for on menus. Keep in mind this is simply my opinion, it did taste great it really just didn't stand out to me. I wasn't drunk yet either! This was my first beer of that night.
On a scale of 1 to 10 I would give this a 7.5. This beer was tasty, enjoyable and well rounded but there was just nothing differentiating about it. As stated above I would for sure drink this again but its not something I would exactly be ecstatic to see on a beer menu somewhere.
Tried this beer the other day since it was beer of the month at World of Beer UCF. Was pretty tasty. Not bad, would probably get it again. I think a 7.5 out of 10 sounds about right.
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